Pulaski Heights Christian Church

(501) 663-8149
4724 Hillcrest Ave.
Little Rock, AR  72205


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    In the name of Jesus Christ, we determine to become the stewards of God's love and to provide a place of spiritual enrichment, strength, encouragement and support for all.
    In the spirit of our heritage of openness and action in faith, we commit our time, resources and prayers to this purpose and to service to all God's creation.  In all things, we will seek God's will and pray for courage.
    This church defends no doctrine but Christ, preaches no gospel but love, and has no purpose but to serve.

    I.          NAME
    The name of this organization is PULASKI HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH.
    II.        AFFILIATION
    A.         Affiliation with Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  Pulaski Heights Christian Church is a recognized congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), as incorporated under the laws of the State of Arkansas for non-profit organizations, and as such acknowledges the rights and responsibilities that are a part of that affiliation.
    B.         Rights retained by the congregation.          Among the rights retained by this congregation are the following:
    1.         to manage its affairs under the Lordship of Jesus Christ;
    2.         to adopt or retain its name;
    3.         to adopt its rules of operation, whether such rules are set forth in a "constitution and bylaws," a "plan for operation," a "design," or a similar document of whatever name;
    4.         to determine in faithfulness to the gospel its practice with respect to the basis of membership;
    5.         to own, control and encumber its property;
    6.         to organize for carrying out the mission and witness of the church;
    7.         to establish its budgets and financial policies;
    8.         to call its ministers; and
    9.         to participate through voting representatives in forming the corporate judgment of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
    C.         Responsibilities.        Among the responsibilities by which it voluntarily demonstrates its mutual concern for the mission and witness of the whole church are the following:
    1.         proclaim the gospel and administer baptism and the Lord's Supper;
    2.         provide for the spiritual nurture of its members and families;
    3.         grow in understanding that the church is a universal fellowship, transcending all barriers within the human family, with the good confession as our only test of fellowship;
    4.         sustain its ministers in faithfulness and honor and, in matters pertaining to relationships with them, to seek counsel from the regional minister;
    5.         be faithful in Christian stewardship, striving to share proportionately in providing the resources for the total life, work and witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ);
    6.         choose voting representatives to the general and regional assemblies; and
    7.         seek to realize the oneness of the church of Jesus Christ through cooperation with other churches of the community, both present and emerging.
    A.         Member -- One who exercises a continuing interest in one or more of the following ways:  submission of written desire to become a member, appearing before the congregation, or letter of transfer from another congregation.  Members shall identify themselves as Christian through confession of faith in Jesus Christ. Members shall assist in carrying out the Congregational mission and programs.
    A.  Regular Meetings.  The congregation shall hold two regular meetings each year.   Notice of such meetings must be announced not less than two weeks prior to the date of such meeting through any of the following: announcement to the congregation during a normal worship service, the newsletter, through a special mailing (to include e-mail).
    1. The Annual Meeting shall be held within the month of July for the purpose of receiving the annual report of the previous year's work, of ratifying the annual budget for that calendar year, installing the newly-elected officers and of transacting such other business as may properly come before it.
    1. The Winter Meeting shall be held within the month of January for the purpose of electing officers of the congregation effective for the next annual meeting and of transacting such other business as may properly come before it.
    B.  Special Meetings. A special meeting of the congregation may be called by the Moderator or Vice-Moderator, by action of the Congregational Board or by presentation of a written petition duly signed by ten or more members of the congregation.  Notice of such special meetings must be announced not less than two weeks prior to the date of such meeting through any of the following: announcement to the congregation during a normal worship service, the newsletter, or through a special mailing (to include e-mail).
    C.  Quorum.   The members attending any congregational meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business, provided it is a regular meeting or one that has been properly called.
    D.  Participation.  Any member of the congregation may, upon recognition of Moderator, speak at a congregational meeting. A majority vote of the voting members in attendance is required to allow anyone else to speak. Only members who have attended at least one service in the prior 60 days shall have the privilege to vote. Prior to taking a vote, the moderator shall ask that any person who has not attended in the last 60 days should not vote.
    E.         Business To Be Conducted At Congregational Meetings:
    1. the election of officers of the congregation and the members of the Congregational Board.
    1. the calling of a pastor to serve the congregation, or the termination of any pastor who is serving the congregation;
    1. the establishment of the basis for membership in the congregation;
    1. the merger of this congregation with any other congregation;
    1. any action which would alter the status of this congregation in its affiliations with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), including any actions called for by congregations as a result of formal union agreements by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ);
    1. the acquisition, sale or encumbrance of any real estate in the name of the congregation;
    1. any commitment for the expenditure of money by the congregation in excess of $5,000 except in those instances where such expenditures were previously included as a part of an approved annual budget or where earmarked funds have previously been established for the particular purpose;
    1. the borrowing of funds to be secured by the Pulaski Heights Christian Church, whether by loan or by installment purchase agreement, where the amount of such borrowing, in the aggregate, shall exceed the amount of $5,000;
    1. the ratification of the annual budget for the operation of the congregation; and
    1. the amendment of these Bylaws.
    F.  Other Business for Action of the Congregation.           In addition to the above items, the congregation may act upon (1) any items of business placed upon its agenda prior to such meeting by the Congregational Board, or (2) by presentation to the Moderator of the congregation in writing by ten or more members not less than two weeks prior to such meeting.
    A. Qualifications. Members of the board must be members of the congregation. Members of the board must be active in the congregation’s life and give evidence of seeking to grow in their own understanding and practice of the Christian life. Such evidence should include, but not be limited to, the following:
    • Conduct of one’s life in light of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    • Promotion of good will and Christian fellowship in the 
congregation and community.
    • Regular attendance at worship services and stated meetings 
of the congregation.
    • Regular and faithful contributions to the support of the 
congregation and its outreach programs.
    • Willingness to fulfill assignments on behalf of the 
    B.  Composition of the Board. The Congregational Board (herein called the Board) shall be composed of the elected officers of the congregation, along with the elected members-at-large. Nominations for officers and members of the board shall be made by members of the congregation. Members shall ascertain whether nominees are willing to serve prior to submitting nominations.
    C.  Meetings of the Board.  The Board shall normally meet for regularly scheduled meetings each month on a mutually acceptable day, but in any event, no less than quarterly.
    D.  Participation. All members attending the Congregational Board meeting may, upon recognition by the Moderator, speak on the business presented at Board meeting. A majority vote of the Board members in attendance is required to allow anyone else to speak. Unless otherwise specified herein, a majority of Board members present shall be sufficient to pass a motion.
    E. Authority and Responsibility.  Except for those actions specifically reserved to the congregation, the Congregational Board shall have the general responsibility for selecting, supervising and dismissing (as necessary) all the operations of staff, in consultation with the Senior Minister; and shall have full power to act in all lawful matters of business on behalf of the congregation. The Board shall function as the trustees with the responsibility for administering all endowment and trust funds of the congregation and carrying out all duties required of trustees under the law.
    F.  Business Requiring Action of the Board. The following items of business shall not take effect except upon action by the Board:
    1. any commitment for the expenditure of money less than the amount specified in Section IV.E.7 not included as a part of an approved annual budget or funds previously earmarked for a particular purpose;
    2. the borrowing of funds to be secured by the Pulaski Heights Christian Church, whether by loan or by installment purchase agreement, where the amount of such borrowing, in the aggregate, shall be less than the amount specified in Section IV.E.8; and
    3. the development and approval of the annual budget in preparation for submission of such budget to the Congregation for ratification.
    G. Selection of Elders.  The Congregational Board shall select and yearly affirm Elders. The Congregational Board shall designate an elder to serve as Head Elder. An elder may be relieved of responsibility by a two-thirds vote of the Congregational Board.
    H. Composition of the Board. The composition of the Board shall be as listed below.
    1.  Moderator. The Moderator is the presiding officer of the Board and so shall lead all meetings of the congregation and of the Board; and shall be responsible for such other duties as are normally associated with the presiding officer.
    2.  Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining accounting records for the complete fiscal operation of the church; and ensuring proper fiscal controls are established and maintained.  The Treasurer shall also be responsible for reporting at regular meetings of the Board the financial status of the church.
    3.   Five Members-at-large 
    I.  Secondary officers. At their first meeting the newly-elected board the will elect from within its membership a Vice Moderator. (The Vice-Moderator shall serve in the Moderator's absence and shall be responsible for such other duties as are normally associated with or which may be assigned to the office of Vice-Moderator.) and a Secretary (The secretary shall be responsible for the recording and maintaining of the minutes of the Congregational meetings and the Congregational Board meetings.).
    J.  Skilled Assistance with Duties. Nothing in this Plan shall prohibit the use of skilled assistance in the carrying out of duties, provided the responsibility for such duties to the Board and to the congregation shall remain with the elected officer.
    K.  Terms of Office. All officers shall be elected for a period of two years beginning upon the date of their installation and continuing until their successors have been duly elected and installed. 
    L.  Vacancies. Should a vacancy occur in the Board for any reason, in the case of the Moderator, the Vice-Moderator shall assume the office of moderator.  In the case of the other Board members, the Board shall elect from the congregation a person to fulfill the remainder of the term. An officer or other board member may be removed by the board by a two-thirds vote of the board. An officer or other board member missing three consecutive meetings shall be considered to have resigned his or her position.
    A. Qualifications.  Elders must be members of the congregation. Elders must be active in the congregation’s life and give evidence of seeking to grow in their own understanding and practice of the Christian life. Such evidence should include, but not be limited to, the following:
    • Conduct of one’s life in light of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    • Promotion of good will and Christian fellowship in the 
congregation and community.
    • Regular attendance at worship services and stated meetings 
of the congregation.
    • Regular and faithful contributions to the support of the 
congregation and its outreach programs.
    • Willingness to fulfill assignments on behalf of the 
    B. Responsibilities.  The Elders shall:
    • Share in the pastoral, church growth, and teaching functions of the ministry such as provide communion to the homebound and serve as shepherds for an assigned “flock” of congregation members and regular visitors.
    • Assist at the communion table as representatives of the congregation.
    • Work with the Minister to determine how to conduct services in the absence of the minister.
    • Provide supportive counsel for the Minister regarding the spiritual life and development of the congregation.
    • Oversee the Christian education of the congregation.
    C. Head Elder.  The Head Elder is responsible for seeing that the duties of the Elders are carried out. Following the churches fiscal year, the Head Elder shall hold office for one year, effective from July 1st to June 30th. The Head Elder shall provide a report to the pastor any matters concerning pastoral responsibilities.
    1. Definitions. Recognizing that all Christians, lay and clergy, are charged with ministry in the church, in this document the term "minister" shall mean clergy with standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  "Staff" shall mean employed personnel.
    1. Responsibility of Minister. Since the primary commitment of every minister of this congregation must be to follow in the way of Jesus Christ, he or she has the responsibility to proclaim, in word and deed, to the best of his or her understanding, the truth of the Good News of God as proclaimed by Jesus Christ. In addition to setting a good Christian example and teaching God’s message, he or she is responsible for equipping the body of Christ for ministry
    1. Senior Minister. The Senior Minister is the teaching spiritual leader of the congregation and as such shall be responsible for the congregation through the ministry of preaching, teaching and pastoral care.  The Senior Minister shall be accountable with the Board for the overall effectiveness of the church's program, even though the responsibility for the supervision of certain functions and duties may be assigned to another member of the staff.  The Senior Minister shall have the right to speak at Congregational Meetings and Congregational Board Meetings.
    1. Selection. At such time as it shall become necessary to select a new Senior Minister, the following process shall be employed:
    1. A Search Committee composed of a board member and four members of the congregation appointed by the Moderator
    1. This Committee may consult with the Regional Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for advice as to ways of proceeding and in the initial screening of possible nominees
    1. On the basis of this further review, the Committee shall rank candidates for interview, and shall submit a list to the Congregational Board along with recommendations for which candidate(s) should be interviewed.        
    1. The committee shall present its report to the Board for consideration and discussion.
    1. The Board then shall take action on and select a candidate to nominate to the congregation for call.
    1. At a duly called congregational meeting, the nomination from the Board, along with the report of the Search Committee, shall be presented to the congregation for discussion and action as to whether to extend a call to the candidate proposed to serve as its Senior Minister. To extend a call, the candidate must receive two-thirds of the votes cast at the congregational meeting.
    1. Other Ministers. From time to time the congregation may determine it is desirable to have additional ministers (such as an associate minister, a minister of education, etc.).  In such event, each of such ministers shall be called by the Board, upon approval of the Senior Minister.  All of such ministers shall be responsible to the Senior Minister.
    Other persons may be employed to assist in the effective operation of the congregation. Such positions shall be authorized by the Board (within total fiscal limitations set by the congregation).  They shall be responsible to the Board or to the staff member to whom the Board shall assign responsibility.
    The Board may take action to action to terminate employed personnel, with or without cause.
    The Board may establish special rules of procedure for the conduct of business meetings of the congregation and of the Board.  Unless otherwise provided in such special rules or in this Plan for Operation, all proceedings shall be governed by the latest revision of Robert's Rules of Order.
    Revisions and amendments to this Plan for Operation may be made at any duly called business meeting of the congregation by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been provided to the membership at least two weeks before the vote is taken.
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