Pulaski Heights Christian Church

(501) 663-8149
4724 Hillcrest Ave.
Little Rock, AR  72205


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100 Backpacks 2012
A ministry to the homeless of Little Rock
We filled 100 backpacks last year (2012), and delivered them to homeless persons on the streets of Little Rock on December 25, 2012. Here is the 2011 100 Backpacks web page.

The Backpack assembly went much faster than anticipated. We finished the major portion of filling the backpacks on Saturday December 8. Eight persons met at the churcho on Christmas Day 2012 and divided up the backpacks to deliver them to people all over Little Rock. All 100 backpacks were given away by that afternoon when bad weather set in, making the timing just right. Everyone who got backpacks seemed to find something they could put to immediate use in them!

Bless you for your efforts in the 2012 ministry, and for the efforts to come during next year's drive.

As of 2:39 pm December 6, 2012
No further standard items needed. Only specific extras for individual backpacks.

Now you can feel free to concentrate on extra items for the backpacks: additional snacks, extra socks, woolen socks, a regular baseball cap, a coat, a backpack, nail clippers or nail file, anything that you think a person living on the streets in the Winter might need, or could make use of. Please bring these to the church to add to completed backpacks, or to the backpacks that you fill during our Assembly Days. We will receive these extras until December 23, 2012.

Thank you PHCC, and those who helped by donatiing money or items to help us reach this benchmark in this year's ministry.

An example table has been set up in the Sanctuary.
This is merely samples of what goes into a backpack.
Your items don't have to be exactly like these.


1. The church has bought 100 backpacks. They arrived on October 10, 2012!
2. We will not distribute them to you be filled as we did the previous three years.
3. We ask you to buy and bring items on the standard list to the church. They will be held until December 7th, when we will begin to fill the backpacks with the items in stock at the church.
4. Every backpack will receive these 30 Standard List Items.
5. You may add EXTRAS to any backpack you fill, or to any completed backpack in order to customize it, just as you were able to do last year.

We will have backpack filling parties on
December 7th, December 8th, and December 9th
at the church.
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